Helping privacy officers from

small and medium-sized businesses meet compliance

with Canadian private sector privacy laws

We can help you meet compliance.

Our certified privacy experts have helped several small and mid-sized organizations meet compliance through an effective privacy management program, scaled to their business type and size.

Not Compliant

With our help



What We Do

Compliance reviews

Want to know if your organization is compliant? We can do an assessment for you, which identifies where you meet compliance, where there are gaps and what you need to do to fix them.

Privacy Officer training

Your privacy officer needs to know what to do and how to be effective in this designated and important role. We can make sure your privacy officer understands the role and responsibilities – and has the right tools to do the job. 

Privacy Officer support

Once trained, your privacy officer will be able to manage privacy issues, but there are times when a privacy expert is needed for guidance and advice. When you need us for this kind of support, pay for only the time you use.


Privacy Management Program development

Need help with developing your privacy management program? We can ensure that your program meets regulator requirements and is compliant.


Maintaining compliance

Privacy laws and regulator requirements change, and your privacy management program must be kept up-to-date. We can keep you informed of changes that affect your organization.

Need other support?

Want help with that first privacy impact assessment, need advice or guidance with a data breach or want an external compliance audit? Let us know and we are happy to help.

We cover the whole personal information lifecycle in your organization

We start with looking at what you collect for your business purposes and how that personal information is used, shared, disclosed, stored, retained and eventually destroyed. Then, to meet regulator requirements we make sure that you have appropriate safeguards in place to protect the personal information under your control and custody.

We can help you meet compliance!

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Victoria, BC 


M-F: 9am – 5pm
S-S: Closed

Call Us

(250) 888-3073

© 2022